I love that phrase from the show “The Mandalorian” or maybe I just love hearing Padro Pascal’s voice when he says it.
But in reality in many situations “the way” meaning the old way, the traditional way or the way its always been done, just isn’t working. Have you noticed that too? Soooo….
Are you still trying to do something the way you always have before with no results?
Are you thinking “maybe I just need to put twice as much effort, then it will work” but you tried that, and it didn’t?
Feeling frustrated because you don’t get why the way you’ve always gone just isn’t taking you where you want to go now?
Well my friend you can take a break from all that effort because…
If you are trying to do ANYTHING with from an old mindset and old plan then it’s time for an update.
Start thinking in terms of a new way to approach or maybe a reevaluation of what you want in the first place.
New habits bring new results, a new approach brings new enthusiasm and frankly no matter the issue you have changed and the new you needs a new path.
Ask yourself:
“How can I do this differently? ”Ideally differently than anyone else is doing it.
“Why am I holding on so tightly to the old way when its not working? ”Great question, you should definitely ask that!
“Is this something I even want, or need or is something else better?” Yes, Yes, Yes, maybe there is something better out there for you when you let go of the old way… Loves that!!
Be flexible but creative and let yourself try playing at life’s game in a new way.
And no matter what, know that you are loved.
Jill K Thomas-Hypnotherapist
Soul Connect Transformations LLC
Author of the books “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat